Netzwerkbildung und interdisziplinärer Wissenstransfer
Alumni - Promotionsprojekte

Bank Struc­tu­ring in Urban Environ­ments through Micro Groins

Andreas Müller – Hector Fellow Franz Nestmann

Instream River Training ist eine Form des Fluss­baus, bei der die Strömung durch die Induzie­rung einer oder mehre­rer Sekun­där­strö­mun­gen so modifi­ziert wird, dass Ufer- und Sohlero­sion verhin­dert werden. Die hierbei verwen­de­ten Lenkbuh­nen bieten Uferschutz, Kosten­ein­spa­run­gen und ökolo­gi­sche Vorteile gegen­über klassi­schem Längs­ver­bau. In diesem Promo­ti­ons­pro­jekt wird die entste­hende Gewäs­ser­struk­tu­rie­rung unter­sucht, um die Eignung von Lenkbuh­nen als Maßnahme zur geziel­ten Schaf­fung abwechs­lungs­rei­cher Lebens­räume in urbanen Fließ­ge­wäs­sern nachzuweisen.

The European Water Frame­work Direc­tive requi­res that all water­bo­dies achieve a good ecolo­gi­cal status until 2027. In urban environ­ments the restric­ted spatial condi­ti­ons and diffe­rent interests cause problems in river resto­ra­tion. The present highly regula­ted rivers only offer uniform and monoto­nous habitats for fauna and flora. In contrast to that, natural water­cour­ses are charac­te­ri­zed by flow diver­sity and thus a large variety of hydrau­lic depths and river widths.

Instream River Training is a method of river enginee­ring, in which the current is seen as the cause for bank erosion and bed erosion. Conse­quently, it is modified by inducing secon­dary flow. In order to achieve this, micro groins (submer­ged vanes) are instal­led in the river bed.

In this docto­ral project, the changes of the bed struc­tures are to be exami­ned by labora­tory experi­ments and field obser­va­tions in order to quantify the suita­bi­lity of micro groins as a mean to create diver­sely struc­tu­red habitats in urban environ­ments. The fluid mecha­nic princi­ples will be develo­ped in coope­ra­tion with a project in Vietnam funded by the Federal Minis­try of Educa­tion and Research.

The aim of this docto­ral project is to give speci­fic recom­men­da­ti­ons concer­ning the design of micro groins and their measu­re­ments in order to maximize the ecolo­gi­cal benefits of this construc­tion method. The appro­priate bank protec­tion and econo­mical crite­ria will be conside­red as well. The project is super­vi­sed by Hector Fellow Franz Nestmann.

Bank Structuring in Urban Environments through Micro Groins

Overview of the research project “River­bed struc­tu­ring in urban and spati­ally restric­ted environ­ments through micro groins”

Andreas Müller

Karls­ru­her Insti­tut für Technologie

Betreut durch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult.

Franz Nestmann


Hector Fellow seit 2009Disziplinen Franz Nestmann