Netzwerkbildung und interdisziplinärer Wissenstransfer
Alumni - Promotionsprojekte

Influence of River Basin Morpho­logy and Climate Change on Water Parti­tio­ning in Semi-Arid River Basins

Phoebe Pauline Onjira – Hector Fellow Franz Nestmann

In diesem Projekt geht es darum, den Einfluss der Fluss­ge­biets­mor­pho­lo­gie (Landnut­zung, Gelände und Boden) und des Klima­wan­dels auf die Wasser­flüsse in semia­ri­der Umgebung zu analy­sie­ren. Der Klima­wan­del und die Verän­de­run­gen in der Landnut­zung haben zu einer Verschie­bung der Wasser­ver­tei­lung und der Träger­ströme geführt. Dieses Projekt wird im Kontext des Integra­ted Water Gover­nance Support System Project im Fluss Lepelle in Südafrika durch­ge­führt. Das Ziel ist es, ein innova­ti­ves Wasser­ma­nage­ment-System zu entwi­ckeln und zu testen.

Increased anthro­po­ge­nic activi­ties and climate change are causing a global shift in patterns of water fluxes. Semi-arid river basins are charac­te­ri­zed by more water stres­ses, extreme and spora­dic clima­tic events, and have been projec­ted to worsen in many regions under the influence of climate change. Identi­fi­ca­tion of the dominant morpho­lo­gi­cal aspects and their influence on water fluxes are neces­sary for water resour­ces planning, impro­ve­ment of model­ling approa­ches, charac­te­riza­tion of hydro­lo­gi­cal response patterns and their subse­quent influence on ecosys­tem and energy flows.

This research super­vi­sed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Nestmann aims to identify the role of river basin morpho­logy (landuse, terrain and soils) and climate change on varia­ti­ons in water parti­tio­ning. A hydrau­lic model is used in this study to charac­te­rize water parti­tio­ning under the influence of landuse and clima­tic and identi­fi­ca­tion of dominant morpho­lo­gi­cal factors that cause varia­tion in water parti­tio­ning. The model is set-up using a new calibra­tion approach to improve on water balan­cing. Histo­ri­cal and future climate data are used as the model forcing to quantify hydro­lo­gi­cal impacts of climate change. This project is under­ta­ken within the context of Integra­ted Water Gover­nance Support System Project in the Olifants River Basin (South Africa). The objec­tive of the project is to develop and test an innova­tive water gover­nance system based on new techni­ques for easing water stress and sustain­ably managing water resources.

RR Lyrae stars as tracers of substructure and Galactic archaeology

Schema­tic diagram of research flow

Phoebe Pauline Onjira

Karls­ru­her Insti­tut für Technologie

Betreut durch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult.

Franz Nestmann


Hector Fellow seit 2009Disziplinen Franz Nestmann