Towards Understanding the Genetic Basis of Appetitive Aggressive Behavior
Jan Gerwin – Hector Fellow Axel Meyer, Hector Fellow Thomas Elbert
Even though much is known about the hormonal and neuronal pathways involved in aggressive behaviors, its remains unclear how intrinsic and extrinsic factors shape aggressive behaviors and how those factors affect the transition from reactive to appetitive aggression. Fighting fish (genus Betta) have been used in behavioral studies since the 1980’s and are a perfect model to study aggressive behaviors.
Especially males are highly aggressive towards conspecifics which is why they are used for combative interactions (similar to cockfights) in some countries in Southeast Asia. In the course of this project we want to find out why some fighting fish are more aggressive than others by using behavioral and genetic approaches. By doing so we hope to get a better understanding of aggressive behavior in general.
Jan Gerwin
Universität KonstanzBetreut durch

Axel Meyer
BiologieHector Fellow seit 2011

Thomas Elbert
PsychologieHector Fellow seit 2009