Triggered contraction of self-assembled DNA nanotube rings
Maja Illig – Hector RCD Awardee Kerstin Göpfrich
DNA nanotubes are widely used as a mimic for cytoskeletal filaments in bottom-up synthetic biology. Using a synthetic starPEG construct that acts as a crosslinker, we succeed in bundling the few nanometer thick DNA nanotubes. In bulk they self assemble into micron-scale rings. We achieve their contraction upon temperature increase or molecular depletion with crowing molecules such as dextran (in collaboration with Kierfeld group, TU Dortmund).
Contractile rings formed from cytoskeletal filaments mediate the division of cells. Ring formation is induced by specific crosslinkers for filament bundling formation is induced by specific crosslinkers, while contraction is typically associated with motor protein activity. Here, we engineer DNA nanotubes as mimics of cytoskeletal filaments and a synthetic crosslinker based on a peptide-functionalized starPEG construct.
The crosslinker induces the bundling of tens of individual DNA nanotubes. Importantly, the DNA nanotube bundles curve into closed micron-scale rings in a one-pot self-assembly process yielding several thousand rings per microliter. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations reproduce detailed architectural properties of DNA rings as observed by electron microscopy. Furthermore, the simulations predict DNA ring contraction – without motor proteins – upon increasing DNA nanotube attraction or decreasing DNA nanotube bending rigidity, yielding mechanistic insights within the parameter space relevant for efficient nanotube sliding. We experimentally realize these two conditions by addition of molecular crowders or temperature increase, respectively. We obtain ring contraction to less than half of the initial ring diameter. These DNA based contractile rings could be a future element of an artificial division machinery in synthetic cells. The combination of DNA nanotechnology and peptide engineering may yield new contractile and muscle-like material.
DNA nanotubes are bundled by a synthetic crosslinker and form rings on the micron scale that contract upon external triggers.

Maja Illig
Max Planck Institute for Medical ResearchSupervised by

Kerstin Göpfrich
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering & MedicineHector RCD Awardee since 2021