Promot­ing young talent


Become a doctoral student in the Hector Fellow Academy

Doctoral students of the Hector Fellow Academy are employed as research assis­tants for a period of three years. The salary corre­sponds to the inter­nal regula­tions at the univer­sity of the respec­tive Hector Fellow (accord­ing to TV‑L 13, up to 100%, based on the funding rates of the DFG for doctoral students). As a doctoral student you also have 9,500€ as research funding every year at your disposal.

Further­more, an individ­ual train­ing programme is offered. On train­ing days and network­ing events, the focus is not only on the acqui­si­tion of special­ist skills and cooper­a­tion with top researchers, but also on further train­ing in manage­ment topics, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary skills and soft skills. You will be given the unique oppor­tu­nity to become part of an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research network!

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