Creat­ing the Future

Hector Fellow Academy Symposia

The annual symposia of the Hector Fellow Academy aim to put current scien­tific topics into a socio-polit­i­cal context. Lectures by renowned acade­mics, politi­cians and repre­sen­ta­tives of indus­try link the research topics of the Hector Fellows with key challenges of our time. Discus­sion panels improve the dialog between science and the general public and help start discus­sion on issues relevant for the future.

Besides this public event, the symposia also provide a frame­work for inter­nal meetings. The Hector Fellows and the young scien­tists, supported by the Academy, talk about the status of the current projects and may develop novel research ideas. During these inter­nal sessions, the new candi­dates for doctoral positions and the appli­ca­tions for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Hector Fellow projects are discussed.


Upcom­ing Symposia

Overview of upcom­ing symposia


Past symposia

Overview of past symposia

Sympo­sium 2024

Scien­tific Host: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder, Talks: Dr. Sebas­t­ian Frank, Prof. Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz, em. Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert, Moder­a­tion: Andrea Grießmann

Why do children and adults learn differently?

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© Deposit­pho­tos

Sympo­sium 2019

Scien­tific talks by Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel & Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambs­ganß, moder­ated by Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch

Galaxy fusion and new earths — Galac­tic arche­ol­ogy and an inter­stel­lar second home

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HFA-Symposium 2019© Hector Fellow Academy

Sympo­sium 2018

Scien­tific talks by Prof. Dr. Anton Zeilinger & Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt, moder­ated by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang M. Heckl

The Second Quantum Revolu­tion: From Quantum Commu­ni­ca­tion To Quantum Comput­ers – On The Way To A New Infor­ma­tion Technology

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HFA-Symposium 2018© Hector Fellow Academy

Sympo­sium 2017

Scien­tific talks by Prof. Dr. Karl Leo, Prof. Dr. George Malliaras & Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz, moder­ated by Prof. Dr. Eberhart Zrenner

Medicine 4.0 — Organic electron­ics in modern medicine

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HFA-Symposium 2017© Oliver Killig