© Hector Fellow Academy
24. July 2020
Peter Hegemann new on the council of the BBAW

Peter Hegemann was elected into the council of the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences

The general assem­bly of the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences (BBAW) has elected new presi­dents and members via online or postal voting. Together with Prof. Dr. Reinhard Lipowsky, Hector Fellow Peter Hegemann was elected into the academy's council in the mathe­mat­ics and natural sciences class.

The BBAW is an associ­a­tion of outstand­ing acade­mics across disci­plines and national borders, based in Berlin and Potsdam. It is the tradi­tional succes­sor of the Pruss­ian Academy of Sciences, whose members included the broth­ers Grimm, Wilhelm and Alexan­der von Humboldt, Lise Meitner, Theodor Mommsen, Albert Einstein and Max Planck.
