Hector RCD Award

Hector Fellow Academy Netzwerk
Program infor­ma­tion for Appli­cants

For detailed infor­ma­tion on the require­ments and a list of all documents required for the appli­ca­tion, please refer to the document "Program Infor­ma­tion for Appli­cants". We recom­mend to read it carefully.


Dr. Sylvia Lange

Young Researcher Program Manager

Phone: +49 (0)721 608 47879
E‑Mail: hrcdaward@hector-fellow-academy.de

Require­ments and Application

Scien­tists with the follow­ing require­ments can apply:


  • W1 assis­tant profes­sors (with or without Tenure Track) or own junior research group leaders in natural or engineer­ing sciences, medicine or psychol­ogy (e.g. Emmy-Noether Programme (DFG), Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (AvH), or similar)
  • Doctor­ate or PhD-equiv­a­lent less than seven years prior the appli­ca­tion with excep­tional results
  • Tempo­rary employ­ment at a German univer­sity, Fraun­hofer-Insti­tute, Helmholtz-Center, Leibniz-Insti­tute or Max Planck Institute
  • Formal or content-related right to super­vise a doctorate
  • Support by the head of insti­tute for the project

The appli­ca­tion period runs from Septem­ber 1st to October 30th, 2024. The appli­ca­tion must be sent via our appli­ca­tion portal. If you have any questions about your appli­ca­tion, please feel free to check the FAQs or contact Dr. Sylvia Lange.

Appli­ca­tions received after the deadline will not be consid­ered. Documents can be in German or English. The data protec­tion regula­tions of the Hector Fellow Academy apply.

Appli­cants will be informed by the end of the year whether they are in the second round. The final selec­tion round takes place on January 24, 2025 (online).

Q&A Session

Friday, October 11, 2024 from 12:00 — 12:45 PM (CET), online (Zoom)

You are inter­ested in apply­ing for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award? Or you are already regis­tered in the appli­cant portal, but still have some questions about precon­di­tions or the appli­ca­tion process? Then join our online Q&A online session on October 11, 2024 from 12:00 — 12:45 PM (CET) via Zoom. Questions or comments can be submit­ted in the chat. You are welcome to send us your questions in advance to hrcdaward@hector-fellow-academy.de. We are happy to help you!

Zur Anmel­dung


Discover how to apply

For the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award

Are you inter­ested in apply­ing for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award (HRCDA)?

By award­ing the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award, the HFA enables W1 assis­tant profes­sors (with or without Tenure Track) and junior research group leaders at German research insti­tu­tions to further strengthen their indepen­dent research and to include them as tempo­rary members in the HFA.