Creat­ing the Future
Presi­den­tial Committee 

Presi­den­tial Committee

The presi­den­tial commit­tee repre­sents the members of the Hector Fellow Academy and leads the thematic and scien­tific work of the HFA. The members of the presi­den­tial commit­tee are elected by the members of the HFA at the annual general meeting for 3 years. A re-election is possi­ble. Since August 1, 2024, Karl Leo is presi­dent of the Hector Fellow Academy.

Current Presi­den­tial Committee

Prof. Dr.

Ralf Barten­schlager

Medizin & Biologie

since 2023 member of Presi­den­tial Committee

Prof. Dr.

Karl Leo


Disziplinen Karl Leosince 2024 member of Presi­den­tial Committee

Prof. Dr.

Brigitte Röder

Psychol­ogy & Medicine

since 2022 member of Presi­den­tial Committee