Hector Fellow since 2014
Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel

Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel

Astronomis­ches Rechen-Insti­tut, Univer­sity of Heidelberg

Eva Grebel is Profes­sor of Astron­omy and Direc­tor of the “Astronomis­ches Rechen-Insti­tut” at the Univer­sity of Heidel­berg. There she heads a Research Unit of the German Research Founda­tion (DFG) on the explo­ration of the Milky Way.

Eva Grebel is one of the leading researchers in the field of galaxy evolu­tion and belongs to the most cited scien­tists in astron­omy. As a pioneer in the new research field "galac­tic archae­ol­ogy" she uses age, movements and compo­si­tion of stars as fossil witnesses of the evolu­tion of near-field galax­ies and the Milky Way. She inves­ti­gates star forma­tion and heavy-element enrich­ments as well as the role of fusion processes with smaller galaxies.

Eva Grebel has been awarded, inter alia, the Ludwig Biermann Prize, the Lauten­schläger Research Prize, and the Johann Wempe Prize, and is a member of the Heidel­berg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties and the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold­ina).  From 2013 to 2019 she was a member of the DFG Senate.

Universität Heidelberg Logo
Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Eva Grebel is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.


Galac­tic Archaeology

Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel inves­ti­gates the forma­tion of galaxies

Using the instru­ments and methods of Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy, she and her team trace the past of our universe.

In the short film "Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy" Prof. Eva Grebel and her doctoral researcher Zdenek Prudil describe the complex research approaches that advance our under­stand­ing of galaxy formation.

Forschungsfeld Physik

— Physics


Research fields

Galaxy assem­bly and evolution
Galac­tic archae­ol­ogy and near-field cosmology
Stellar popula­tions and chemi­cal evolution
Star forma­tion and star clusters