From its headquarters in Karlsruhe, the Hector Fellow Academy office coordinates all activities that bring the Academy's goals to fruition. On the one hand, it is responsible for the coordination of all meetings, for the administration of funds and the processing of funding applications. Furthermore, the Academy Office is responsible for the support of the young scientists from the application to the training program and the coordination of networking opportunities. Lastly, it takes care of recruiting excellent young scientists as well as awardees for the Hector RCD Award and the visibility of its members by creating and disseminating comprehensive video portraits as well as organizing public symposia on issues facing society in the subject areas of the Hector Fellows.

Our team

Dr.-Ing. Judith Elsner
Managing Director
Thorana Grether
Team Leader HFA Office
Jorinne Sturm
Team Leader Marketing & Science Communication
Dr. Sylvia Lange
Young Researcher Program Manager
Daniela Maier
Marketing Manager
Canet Cevik
Back Office
Krisztina Gáll
Junior Science Communication ManagerASSOCIATED TEAM

Stefanie Peer
Expert for Academic Young Scientist Programs
Nina Becker
Symposium Manager