Creat­ing the Future


From its headquar­ters in Karlsruhe, the Hector Fellow Academy office coordi­nates all activ­i­ties that bring the Academy's goals to fruition. On the one hand, it is respon­si­ble for the coordi­na­tion of all meetings, for the admin­is­tra­tion of funds and the process­ing of funding appli­ca­tions. Further­more, the Academy Office is respon­si­ble for the support of the young scien­tists from the appli­ca­tion to the train­ing program and the coordi­na­tion of network­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Lastly, it takes care of recruit­ing excel­lent young scien­tists as well as awardees for the Hector RCD Award and the visibil­ity of its members by creat­ing and dissem­i­nat­ing compre­hen­sive video portraits as well as organiz­ing public symposia on issues facing society in the subject areas of the Hector Fellows.


Our team

Dr.-Ing. Judith Elsner

Manag­ing Director

Thorana Grether

Team Leader HFA Office

Jorinne Sturm

Team Leader Market­ing & Science Communication

Dr. Sylvia Lange

Young Researcher Program Manager

Daniela Maier

Market­ing Manager

Canet Cevik

Back Office

Krisztina Gáll

Junior Science Commu­ni­ca­tion Manager


Stefanie Peer

Expert for Acade­mic Young Scien­tist Programs

Nina Becker

Sympo­sium Manager

Mirjam Weigand

Market­ing Manager