Creat­ing the Future
Alumni - Doctoral projects

Appli­ca­tions of Non-Invasive Ocular Signal Measurements

Margaret Deibel – Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner

Several goals were pursued in the development of this work, including the development of a novel in vivo method to measure the ciliary muscle of a human subject non-invasively during accommodation, the characterization of the recorded muscle signals based on the accommodative abilities of the subject, and the development of a device that would utilize the recorded muscle signals to mimic the appropriate level of accommodation for the user, actuated through the use of a variable refractive lens.

© Margaret Deibel

Magnet­ism in Perovskite Mangan­ites and Cobaltites at the Nano Scale

Cornelia E. Hintze – Hector Fellow Hilbert von Löhneysen

The exact position of atoms in the crystal structure of lanthanum manganites and cobaltates (both anorganic ionic compounds) significantly affects their magnetic properties. The crystal structure of these materials can be altered by pressure, substitution of elements, or crystallite size: Since nanoparticles have a large surface-to-volume ratio, their surface has a dominant effect on the crystal structure, leading to changes compared to bulk materials.

© Cornelia E. Hintze

Three-dimen­sional Chiral Metamaterials

Julian Köpfler – Hector Fellow Martin Wegener

Metamaterials are rationally designed structures exhibiting effective macroscopic material properties that go beyond those of ordinary materials. For instance, by introducing so-called topologically protected resonances it is possible to locally enhance mechanical vibrations and make them robust against perturbations. In this project, chiral metamaterials with topologically protected resonances are designed and fabricated to realize a resonant mechanical laser-beam scanner (see Figure). Such laser-beam scanners are crucial for various applications such as LIDAR, confocal microscopy, projector displays, and material processing.

Dreidimensionale Chirale Metamaterialien© Julian Köpfler

Fermi­onic Quantum Gas Microscope

Joannis Koepsell – Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch

A rich variety of phenomena in solid state systems such as quantum magnetism or high temperature superconductivity still pose open questions on parts of their microscopic explanation. Due to the complexity of these systems, the underlying quantum many-body dynamics is often not accessible to computational simulation.

Alumni - Abgeschlossene Projekte© Joannis Koepsell

RR Lyrae stars as tracers of substruc­ture and Galac­tic archaeology

Zdenek Prudil - Hector Fellow Eva Grebel

Galactic archaeology uses stars as fossils to study the evolutionary history of galaxies like our own Milky Way. Cosmological simulations suggest that larger galaxies were partially formed by accreting smaller dwarf galaxies. Such merger events should leave observable signatures in the form of star streams, but empirical constraints on the times, numbers, and importance of such mergers are still missing.

RR Lyrae stars as tracers of substructure and Galactic archaeology© Zdenek Prudil

Towards Topolog­i­cal Many-Body Physics Using State-Depen­dent Optical Lattices

Hendrik von Raven – Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch

In modern condensed matter physics topology plays a fundamental role in the classification of phases of matter. A prominent example is the quantum Hall effect discovered in two-dimensional electron gases under extreme conditions. Quantum Hall insulators are isolating in the bulk, but exhibit conducting edge states, which results in a quantised Hall conductance.

Towards Topological Many-Body Physics Using State-Dependent Optical Lattices© Hendrik von Raven