Creat­ing the Future
Terms & Conditions
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Terms & Conditions

Effec­tive as of April 1st, 2024

The follow­ing general terms and condi­tions apply to the contrac­tual relation­ship between Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH (hereinafter referred to as “HFA”) and the participant.


1. Regis­tra­tion and Confir­ma­tion of Registration

1.1 The contract is concluded when both parties have signed a contract document or when HFA confirms a regis­tra­tion in writing. Special admis­sion or selec­tion crite­ria remain unaffected.

1.2 Regis­tra­tion for events must be made in writing (e‑mail, fax or by mail).

1.3 If the number of regis­tra­tions exceeds the capac­ity of an event, HFA reserves the right to hold a selec­tion procedure.


2. Payment

2.1 The partic­i­pant shall pay the costs of the event, regard­less of whether any services by third parties are provided. Payment is due on the date stated on the invoice.

2.2 The partic­i­pant may pay by bank trans­fer or by credit card. The partic­i­pant shall bear the credit card costs.

2.3 Subject to the provi­sion in clause 5, the partic­i­pant owes the payment of the event costs even if he does not partic­i­pate in the event.

2.4 If the partic­i­pant defaults, he shall owe inter­est in the amount of five percent­age points above the respec­tive base inter­est rate in accor­dance with Section 247 (1) BGB.


3. Reten­tion of Title

Title to all event materi­als shall remain vested in HFA and shall not pass to the partic­i­pant until all payment oblig­a­tions are completely fulfilled by the participant.


4. Cance­la­tion

4.1 The partic­i­pant may cancel his booking. Pursuant to the follow­ing provi­sions, the partic­i­pant shall owe as a flat rate cance­la­tion fee compen­sa­tion for the damages that HFA suffers because it relies on the participant's atten­dance of the event:

4.1.1 Cance­la­tion is free of charge up to four weeks before the start of the course. Cance­la­tion between four and two weeks before the start of the event will incur a cance­la­tion fee of 50% of the event costs. In case of cance­la­tion after this period, the partic­i­pant shall be obliged to pay the full event costs.

4.1.2 In case of illness of the partic­i­pant a cance­la­tion fee to be paid is reduced to 10 % if the partic­i­pant presents a medical certifi­cate of his illness. Instead, the partic­i­pant may, in consul­ta­tion with HFA, choose an equiv­a­lent later event to attend, if one is offered.

4.1.3 If the partic­i­pant is unable to enter the Federal Repub­lic of Germany due to entry regula­tions (e.g. because he is not granted an entry permit), he shall not be released from the oblig­a­tion to pay the event fee. The partic­i­pant may, however, in consul­ta­tion with HFA, select an equiv­a­lent later event and attend it, if one is offered.

4.2 The right to extra­or­di­nary cance­la­tion for good cause remains unaffected. Good cause for termi­na­tion by HFA is given in partic­u­lar if
- the partic­i­pant disturbs the event with a lasting effect,
- engages in inappro­pri­ate conduct,
- fails to make payment on time in response to a written reminder, or
- commits a copyright infringement.

4.3 If the event costs already paid exceed the amount owed accord­ing to 4.1, HFA will refund the excess amount to the partic­i­pant. This does not apply in the case of an extra­or­di­nary termi­na­tion accord­ing to 4.3.

4.4 Notice of termi­na­tion must be in writing to be effec­tive. The date of cance­la­tion shall be the date of receipt of the notice of cance­la­tion by HFA.


5. Cance­la­tion and modifi­ca­tion of events by HFA

5.1 HFA may cancel events for good cause. Good cause is given in partic­u­lar if

- the cost-cover­ing minimum number of partic­i­pants speci­fied in the event offer has not been reached two weeks before the first day of the event

- in case no minimum number of partic­i­pants is speci­fied, if less than five partic­i­pants have regis­tered two weeks before the first day of the event and

- the lecturer of the event is not avail­able, and no substi­tute lecturer may be appointed.

5.2 HFA immedi­ately informs the partic­i­pants of the cance­la­tion. As far as equiv­a­lent alter­na­tive events exist at the Karlsruhe location and partic­i­pant places are avail­able there, HFA offers the partic­i­pants to partic­i­pate in one of these alter­na­tive events without additional costs. If the partic­i­pant is not offered a substi­tute event or does not make use of such an alter­na­tive event, HFA shall refund event costs already paid.

5.3 HFA shall not be obliged to create new substi­tute events of a certain type and quality or to maintain them for the future.

5.4 In case of cance­la­tion of an event, HFA will not refund any additional costs. In partic­u­lar, it does not bear the travel and accom­mo­da­tion costs or provide compen­sa­tion for lost working time.

5.5 HFA reserves the right to change the organi­za­tion, method­ol­ogy, location, time, lectur­ers, and the content of events, provided that the core of the event is not substan­tially changed. HFA may change the event accord­ing to sentence 1 in partic­u­lar, if it cannot take place as a face-to-face event due to legal require­ments or govern­ment orders in connec­tion with the spread of infec­tious diseases (e.g. the corona pandemic).

5.6 If HFA, in the course of spread­ing of such infec­tious diseases, has offered some events as online events, the partic­i­pant has no right to have the event continue as an online event if entry from his country of residence is possi­ble again accord­ing to the entry regula­tions of the Federal Repub­lic of Germany before the event begins.


6. Copyright

We point out that event materi­als (in partic­u­lar supple­men­tary documents, graph­ics, pictures, audio and video mater­ial) of HFA and its repre­sen­ta­tives are protected by copyright, regard­less of their form. Any dupli­ca­tion, trans­fer to third parties and publi­ca­tion is only permit­ted with the consent of the copyright holder.


7. Liabil­ity

7.1 HFA shall be liable without limita­tion for damages result­ing from inten­tional or grossly negli­gent breach of duty.

7.2 HFA shall only be liable for property and asset damage caused by negli­gence if essen­tial contrac­tual oblig­a­tions are violated. Essen­tial contrac­tual oblig­a­tions are those whose fulfil­ment charac­ter­ize the contract and on which the partic­i­pant may rely. The liabil­ity is limited to the contract-typical and foresee­able damage. Liabil­ity for negli­gent injury to life, body and health remains unaffected.

7.3 Any further liabil­ity other than that provided for in this contract is excluded, irrespec­tive of the legal nature of the claim asserted. However, the above limita­tions or exclu­sions of liabil­ity shall not apply to any strict liabil­ity prescribed by law (e.g. under the German Product Liabil­ity Act) or to liabil­ity under a strict guarantee.

7.4 Insofar as liabil­ity is excluded or limited pursuant to 7.2 and 7.3, this shall also apply to the personal liabil­ity of HFA's employ­ees, workers, repre­sen­ta­tives, organs and vicar­i­ous agents.

7.5 Despite the great­est possi­ble care in the selec­tion of speak­ers and lectur­ers, HFA shall not be liable for the content of the events and the supple­men­tary documents, in partic­u­lar with regard to being up-to-date, correct and complete. HFA assumes no liabil­ity for any valuable items.


8. Photo- and video recordings

8.1 In accor­dance with Article 7 of the General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion, the partic­i­pant agrees to the produc­tion and process­ing of photo and video record­ings of the partic­i­pant during the event. The partic­i­pant grants HFA the right to use, process and distrib­ute these record­ings. If the record­ings are to be used for adver­tis­ing purposes, HFA shall obtain the participant's consent separately in advance. The partic­i­pant may revoke his or her consent at any time.

8.2 Partic­i­pants are not allowed to take photos, tape or video record­ings during the event without the written consent of HFA.


9. Certifi­cate of partic­i­pa­tion and certifi­cate of attendance

HFA will issue a certifi­cate of atten­dance to each partic­i­pant who attended the entire event.


10. Miscel­la­neous

10.1 This agree­ment shall be governed by and construed in accor­dance with the laws of the Federal Repub­lic of Germany, exclud­ing the United Nations Conven­tion on Contracts for the Inter­na­tional Sale of Goods. The place of perfor­mance and exclu­sive juris­dic­tion for all disputes arising from and in connec­tion with this contract is Karlsruhe.

10.2 Changes of additions to this agree­ment shall require written form. This shall also apply to the modifi­ca­tion or cance­la­tion of the require­ment for written form.

10.3 If any provi­sion of the present Terms and Condi­tions is held to be unenforce­able, the enforce­abil­ity of all remain­ing provi­sions shall not be affected thereby. In this case, the parties under­take to agree on effec­tive provi­sions which come closest to the intended economic purpose of the invalid provi­sions. This applies accord­ingly to the closing of any gaps in this agreement.

10.4 If you are a consumer, you have a right of withdrawal in addition to our general terms and conditions.

10.5 These Terms and Condi­tions are written in German and English. Only the German version of this contract shall be legally binding. The English trans­la­tion serves infor­ma­tion purposes only.


Instruc­tions on withdrawal

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.

The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the date of conclu­sion of the contract.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH, Schloss­platz 19, 76131 Karlsruhe, phone: +49 (0)721 608–47880, e‑mail: of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequiv­o­cal state­ment (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e‑mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.

To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is suffi­cient for you to send your commu­ni­ca­tion concern­ing your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.


Effects of withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, includ­ing the costs of deliv­ery (with the excep­tion of the supple­men­tary costs result­ing from your choice of a type of deliv­ery other than the least expen­sive type of standard deliv­ery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimburse­ment using the same means of payment as you used for the initial trans­ac­tion, unless you have expressly agreed other­wise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.


Model withdrawal form

(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH
Schloss­platz 19
76131 Karlsruhe

I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the follow­ing goods (*)/for the provi­sion of the follow­ing service (*),

- Ordered on (*)/received on (*),

- Name of participant(s),

- Address of partic­i­pant (s),

- Signa­ture of participant(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),

- Date

(*) Delete as appropriate


Click here to download a PDF version of the General Terms and Conditions.