Creating the Future

Video portrait Hector Fellow Antje Boetius

Deep Sea and Polar Research: Antje Boetius Fight­ing Climate Change

The Alfred Wegener Insti­tute (AWI) is one of the most impor­tant research insti­tutes for climate research as well as marine biology and marine geology of cold and temper­ate regions of the entire planet. Since 2017, Hector Fellow Antje Boetius is the direc­tor of the AWI.

Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius is a world-renowned deep-sea researcher whose work focuses on the inter­ac­tions between the geosphere and biosphere and under­wa­ter technolo­gies for observ­ing the marine environ­ment. In her research, she is supported by Magda Cardozo, whose doctoral thesis on “Tempo­ral and spatial micro­bial dynam­ics in the Arctic Ocean” is funded by the Hector Fellow Academy.

In this video­por­trait series, Antje Boetius also talks on the topics Science Commu­ni­ca­tion ( and Societal Respon­si­bil­ity (

Antje Boetius is member of the Hector Fellow Academy. The young science academy sees itself as an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network for cutting-edge research and it supports innov­a­tive research beyond the borders of insti­tutes and fields of research. The Hector Fellow Academy paves the way for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects between well renowned profes­sors from the STEM-fields (Science, Technol­ogy, Engineer­ing, and Mathe­mat­ics) as well as Medicine and Psychol­ogy. Further­more, the Hector Fellow Academy is commit­ted to the promo­tion of young scien­tists. It offers funded PhD positions for ambitious young scien­tists, who will work on their self-devel­oped research project for their gradu­a­tion. Through the connec­tion of excel­lent researchers from differ­ent fields of research, the Hector Fellow Academy provides new impulses for innov­a­tive projects, sociopo­lit­i­cal discourse and the solution of global challenges. At the same time, it strength­ens Germany as a center for science.

Date 11.08.2020
Tags Video; Portrait; Biology;