Creating the Future

Video portrait Hector Fellow Eva Grebel

Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy — Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel

Hector Fellow Eva Grebel, head of the Astro­nom­i­cal Comput­ing Insti­tute at the Univer­sity of Heidel­berg, aims to under­stand how galax­ies form and develop. With the means and methods of Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy, she and her team uncover the past of our universe. Prof. Eva Grebel is consid­ered one of the leading experts in her field.

Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy conceives stars as artifacts of past epochs and deter­mines their proper­ties in order to achieve a more precise picture of the forma­tion and evolu­tion of galax­ies. Various obser­va­tion methods of astron­omy — such as photom­e­try or spectroscopy — are used to 'excavate' relics of galac­tic history.

Prof. Grebel is member of the Hector Fellow Academy. The young science academy sees itself as an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network for cutting-edge research and it supports innov­a­tive research beyond the borders of insti­tutes and fields of research. The Hector Fellow Academy paves the way for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects between well renowned profes­sors from the STEM-fields (Science, Technol­ogy, Engineer­ing, and Mathe­mat­ics) as well as Medicine and Psychol­ogy. Further­more, the Hector Fellow Academy is commit­ted to the promo­tion of young scien­tists. It offers funded PhD positions for ambitious young scien­tists, who will work on their self-devel­oped research project for their gradu­a­tion. Through the connec­tion of excel­lent researchers from differ­ent fields of research, the Hector Fellow Academy provides new impulses for innov­a­tive projects, sociopo­lit­i­cal discourse and the solution of global challenges. At the same time, it strength­ens Germany as a center for science.

Date 31.07.2019
Tags Video; Portrait; Physics;