Creating the Future

Video portrait Hector Fellow Peter Gumbsch

Materi­als Technol­ogy as a Driver of Innova­tion — News from Materi­als Research

Prof. Dr. Peter Gumbsch, head of the Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Mechan­ics of Materi­als and Profes­sor at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy, and his teams are conduct­ing research under labora­tory condi­tions under the motto "more econom­i­cal, more efficient and safer". Prof. Gumbsch's research supports indus­trial concepts for autonomous vehicles, resource-saving construc­tion and power plants and designs materi­als with completely new proper­ties. Prof. Gumbsch's teams develop new measur­ing methods to under­stand in detail why a mater­ial fails.

Date 21.06.2018
Tags Video; Portrait; Engineering;