Creating the Future

The HFA intro­duces itself

This is the Hector Fellow Academy

The Hector Fellow Academy was founded in 2013 to offer a platform for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary exchange, network­ing and mutual inspi­ra­tion to the laure­ates of the Hector Science Award. Outstand­ing master gradu­ates of STEM-subjects, psychol­ogy and medicine from all over the world can apply. The Hector Fellow Academy provides ambitious young scien­tists the oppor­tu­nity to do their PhD either with a self-devel­oped research project or an adver­tised position of the Hector Fellow in their working group funded by the Hector Fellow Academy. This provides the next gener­a­tion of researchers with the knowl­edge of its outstand­ing scien­tists. The Hector Fellow Academy strength­ens research in Germany and contributes to solving global challenges by raising aware­ness of socio-polit­i­cal issues, regularly hosting events like symposia, workshops, and confer­ences. The Hector Fellow Academy also creates syner­gies to promote cutting-edge research, innov­a­tive projects, and support­ing young researchers.

Date 24.04.2019
Tags Video; HFA