© Hector Fellow Academy
11. January 2024
Apply now for a doctoral position in the HFA

Appli­ca­tion portal opens on January 15, 2024

The appli­ca­tion phase for doctoral positions at the Hector Fellow Academy is enter­ing a new round. On January 15, 2024, the appli­ca­tion portal will open, through which inter­ested early career researchers can submit their appli­ca­tion for their own doctoral project or apply for adver­tised doctoral positions with Hector Fellows or Hector RCD Awardees until March 31, 2024. The Hector Fellow Academy once again supports promis­ing young researchers by award­ing fully funded doctoral positions with their own research budget.

Hector Fellows are outstand­ing profes­sors who have made signif­i­cant contri­bu­tions in STEM fields, medicine, and psychol­ogy.  Each year, the Hector Fellow Academy also recog­nizes excel­lent young scien­tists between postdoc and profes­sor­ship with the Hector RCD Award with the aim of promot­ing excel­lent scien­tific careers. In 2024, doctoral positions will be adver­tised in the follow­ing research groups:

  • A. Stephen K. Hashmi (Chemistry)
  • Peter Hegemann (Biology/Chemistry/Medicine)
  • Jürg Leuthold (Physics/Engineering)
  • Bernhard Schölkopf (Computer Science/Mathematics/Physics)
  • Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer (Physics/Chemistry)
  • Eberhart Zrenner (Medicine/Biology)

The young scien­tists who success­fully complete the appli­ca­tion process will receive a position as a research associate for up to four years at the univer­sity of the super­vis­ing Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee with a salary in line with the institute's standards. In addition to further train­ing on manage­ment topics and coach­ing, the doctoral candi­dates themselves become part of the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network of top researchers.