© Hector Fellow Academy
16. September 2022
Eva Grebel is Presi­dent of the Hector Fellow Academy

Eva Grebel is elected presi­dent of the Hector Fellow Academy

On Septem­ber 15, 2022, Profes­sor Grebel was elected presi­dent at the execu­tive commit­tee meeting. She will now hold this office until July 31, 2023.

Eva Grebel is Profes­sor of Astron­omy and Direc­tor of the Astronomis­ches Rechen-Insti­tut at the Ruprecht-Karls-Univer­sität Heidel­berg. She also leads a Collab­o­ra­tive Research Center of the German Research Founda­tion (DFG) on the study of the Milky Way.

As the world's leading astronomer in the field of galaxy evolu­tion, she studies star forma­tion and enrich­ment through heavy elements and what role merging processes with smaller galax­ies play.

Together with Prof. Hegemann and Prof. Röder, she leads the Presi­den­tial Commit­tee of the Hector Fellow Academy.

Congrat­u­la­tions Eva Grebel!