© Hector Fellow Academy
14. June 2022
HFA Sympo­sium on the topic of 3D print­ing on July 07, 2022

Human organs from the 3D printer? Vision or reality? How does the future of 3D print­ing look like?

The Hector Fellow Academy invites you to its 7th Sympo­sium, which will take place on July 7, 2022 at 6 pm in "Konzerthaus" in Karlsruhe. It will be dedicated to the topic of 3D print­ing with appli­ca­tions from the engineer­ing sciences and the life sciences under the title "3D Print­ing — Customized and at the Push of a Button". Since the sympo­sium will be a hybrid event, you can decide whether you want to partic­i­pate in person or online via live stream.

The annual symposia of the Hector Fellow Academy aim at placing current scien­tific issues in a socio-polit­i­cal context. Discus­sion rounds promote the dialogue between science and the public and help to initi­ate forward-looking discourses.

We look forward to welcom­ing you on site or digitally!