5. August 2024
Kerstin Göpfrich awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize 2024

Kerstin Göpfrich awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize 2024

Hector RCD Awardee Prof. Dr. Kerstin Göpfrich will receive the Alfried Krupp Prize 2024, one of the most presti­gious scien­tific awards in Germany. The Alfried Krupp Prize has been awarded annually since 1986 to young scien­tists who hold a first profes­sor­ship at a German univer­sity in the natural sciences or engineer­ing. The prize, which is endowed with €1 million, gives the recip­i­ents freedom in research and teach­ing for a period of five years.

Kerstin Göpfrich has been a profes­sor at the Center for Molec­u­lar Biology at the Univer­sity of Heidel­berg since Novem­ber 2022. She also heads the Biophys­i­cal Engineer­ing Research Group at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Medical Research in Heidel­berg. In addition, she is a Princi­pal Inves­ti­ga­tor in the Cluster of Excel­lence "3D Matter Made to Order" at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT) and Heidel­berg Univer­sity, and a Fellow of the Max Planck School "Matter to Life".

Her research focuses on the construc­tion of artifi­cial cells from customized compo­nents to open up new ways of describ­ing and harness­ing life processes. Göpfrich uses DNA/RNA nanotech­nol­ogy to create functional compo­nents that endow artifi­cial cells with life-like proper­ties. Her goal is to develop an artifi­cial model of a living cell that will expand our under­stand­ing of the origin and function of life.