© Hector Fellow Academy
7. April 2020
New publi­ca­tion by Sina Rometsch

A paper by Sina Rometsch is published in in the journal Molec­u­lar Ecology

The article titled "Habitat light sets the bound­aries for the rapid evolu­tion of cichlid fish vision, while sexual selec­tion can tune it within those limits" by HFA doctoral student Sina Rometsch deals with the diver­sity of body coloration of cichlids and its causes. Rometsch's inves­ti­ga­tions identify the combi­na­tion of ambient light proper­ties and body color as the main cause of the diver­sity of spectral sensi­tiv­i­ties. Sexual selec­tion is secondary.

The article will be published in an upcom­ing issue of Molec­u­lar Ecology and is already avail­able as a pre-print. The journal Molec­u­lar Ecology deals with molec­u­lar genetic techniques for the study of ecology, evolu­tion, behav­ior and conservation.

The Open Access paper was produced in collab­o­ra­tion with Hector Fellow Axel Meyer, as well as Ralf Schnei­der and Julián Torres-Dowdall of the Depart­ment of Zoology at the Univer­sity of Konstanz.
