© Andrea Fabry - HFA
3. February 2021
New publi­ca­tions by Andreas Müller

A study by Andreas Müller has been published in the journal Korre­spon­denz Wasserwirtschaft

The article “Unter­suchung der durch Lenkbuh­nen hervorgerufe­nen Habitatvielfalt — Freilan­dun­ter­suchung an einem Flach­landgewässer“ appears in the April issue of the associ­a­tion and trade journal of the German Associ­a­tion for Water, Waste­water and Waste. (DWA).

Another article by HFA PhD student Andreas Müller titled "Vergle­ich verschiedener Monitor­ing­meth­o­den von Gewässer­struk­turen im Umfeld von Lenkbuh­nen." was included in the Confer­ence Proceed­ings of the 44th Dresden Water Collo­quium 2021. The research paper deals with monitor­ing methods of aquatic struc­tures near steer­ing groynes.

Steer­ing groynes repre­sent a possi­bil­ity to improve the function of flowing waters as habitat decisively. However, there is only limited project experi­ence using steer­ing groynes for the struc­tur­ing of water­courses. Some of the steer­ing groyne projects are accom­pa­nied by medium- to long-term monitor­ing in order to gain knowl­edge about the dimen­sion­ing and function­al­ity of the measures.

With the results of a field study, an adapted monitor­ing concept for struc­tural measures by the use of steer­ing groynes was devel­oped with regard to the indica­tors depth variance, flow diver­sity and substrate sorting.

The study was conducted in cooper­a­tion with Frank Seidel and Hector Fellow Franz Nestmann.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Andreas Müller!