© Hector Fellow Academy
8. January 2020
Peter Gumbsch is a member of acatech

The German Academy of Science and Engineer­ing acatech elects Peter Gumbsch as a member

Hector Fellow Peter Gumbsch and 39 other scien­tists from the fields of engineer­ing, natural sciences, econom­ics and social sciences are members of acatech since Decem­ber 2019. The honorary mandate means cooper­a­tion in the devel­op­ment of recom­men­da­tions for action in technol­ogy-related issues for politics and society.

acatech — German Academy of Science and Engineer­ing is a national academy, funded by the federal and state govern­ments and under the patron­age of the Federal Presi­dent, with a mandate to advise politics and society on technol­ogy science issues.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Peter Gumbsch!