© Hector Fellow Academy
20. April 2020
Sympo­sium 2020 cancelled

This year's sympo­sium "Expedi­tion into the Unknown", on July 9, in Bremen has been cancelled

Due to the devel­op­ments of the past weeks regard­ing the spread of the coron­avirus, the organiz­ers have decided to suspend the annual sympo­sium this year. The health of all partic­i­pants and employ­ees has the highest priority.

Never­the­less, we are looking forward with confi­dence, as postponed is not cancelled. The organiz­ers, together with Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, have found a new date in July 2021. As the scien­tific exchange in a socio-polit­i­cal context should continue even after the crisis, or even then.