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Hector Fellow Academy Symposia

The Hector Fellow Academy was estab­lished with the aim of connect­ing outstand­ing scien­tists in the natural and engineer­ing sciences, psychol­ogy, and medicine within a scien­tific academy.

The HFA-Sympo­sium is the annual network­ing event of the Hector Fellow Academy, bring­ing together all its members. It is held each year at the research location of a Hector Fellow in Germany and provides Hector Fellows, Hector RCD Awardees, and early-career researchers with a platform to exchange ideas about current and future research projects, forge new connec­tions, and strengthen exist­ing ones.

A highlight of the sympo­sium is the HFA Science Evening, which is open to the general public. During this event, the research topics of the Hector Fellow Academy are presented in an acces­si­ble manner to an inter­ested audience.