Creating the Future
Cutting-edge research
The Hector Science Award honors individuals with outstanding research achievements who have also made an outstanding contribution to teaching. Behind this is an ideal of cutting-edge research that also includes exchange with young researchers as well as thinking beyond disciplinary boundaries.
Consequently, the Hector Fellow Academy not only promotes interdisciplinary research projects between Hector Fellows, but also enables talented young scholars to collaborate with Hector Fellows in the context of their doctoral studies or an interdisciplinary project.
The success of this idea of cutting-edge research is demonstrated not only by the many projects that have been completed, but also by the research publications that have been made possible by funding from the Hector Fellow Academy.
Interdisciplinary research
Cross-cutting exchange between HFA members
The central concern of the Hector Fellow Academy is the promotion of interdisciplinary exchange between its members. These include the Hector Fellows — professors who research and teach in the STEM fields — as well as the young scientists who are supported by the Academy. The members work together across the boundaries of individual research institutions and across different disciplines. The annual symposia are the opportunity for developing new research topics and for networking between the scientists. Furthermore, the Academy provides financial support for innovative interdisciplinary scientific projects and conferences that are jointly organized by several Hector Fellows.
You can find an overview of the funded projects here.
You can find an overview of the publications here.