Hector Fellow since 2010
Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer

Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer

Division of Data Analy­sis and Model­ing of Dynamic Processes in the Life Sciences, Univer­sity of Freiburg

Jens Timmer holds a chair for Theoret­i­cal Physics at the Insti­tute for Physics of the Albert-Ludwigs-Univer­sity Freiburg.

He is one of the leading scien­tists in the field of systems biology where he uses physics-inspired data-based mathe­mat­i­cal models to under­stand cell biolog­i­cal processes. His approach contributed to under­stand signal­ing pathways which contribute to the devel­op­ment of cancer.

He is co-founder of the compa­nies seleon GmbH and TNI medical AG that work in the field of medical engineering.

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Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Jens Timmer is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.


Systems biology

Research Fields

For doctoral theses it is intended that they have two parts. In the first part, general method­olog­i­cal questions which are motivated from the collab­o­ra­tion projects should be answered and in the second part the new methods should be applied to the specific biolog­i­cal projects.

Forschungsfeld Physik

— Physics

Forschungsfeld Mathematik

— Mathe­mat­ics

Forschungsfeld Biologie

— Biology

Devel­op­ment of methods for mathe­mat­i­cal model­ling of dynamic processes in the life sciences. Here, it is of special inter­est to under­stand how uncer­tainty of the data affects the uncer­tainty of the parame­ters and, in turn, the uncer­tainty of the model predic­tions [1].
Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary appli­ca­tion of the methods in the field of cell biology in order to under­stand e.g. the devel­op­ment of cancer, the regen­er­a­tion of the liver and haemato­sis [2]. To this aim, the group of Prof. Timmer is closely collab­o­ra­tion with exper­i­men­tal groups especially at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg.

[1] A. Raue, M. Schilling, J. Bachmann, A. Matte­son, M. Schelker, D. Kaschek, S. Hug, C. Kreutz, B.D. Harms, F.J. Theis, U. Kling­muller, J. Timmer. Lessons learned from quanti­ta­tive dynam­i­cal model­ing in systems biology. PLoS ONE 8, 2013, e74335

[2] V. Becker, M. Schilling, J. Bachmann, U. Baumann, A. Raue, T. Maiwald, J. Timmer, U. Kling­müller. Cover­ing a broad dynamic range: Infor­ma­tion process­ing at the erythro­poi­etin recep­tor. Science 328, 2010, 1404–1408