Hector Fellow since 2010
Prof. Dr. Jens TimmerProf. Dr. Jens Timmer
Division of Data Analysis and Modeling of Dynamic Processes in the Life Sciences, University of Freiburg
Jens Timmer holds a chair for Theoretical Physics at the Institute for Physics of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.
He is one of the leading scientists in the field of systems biology where he uses physics-inspired data-based mathematical models to understand cell biological processes. His approach contributed to understand signaling pathways which contribute to the development of cancer.
He is co-founder of the companies seleon GmbH and TNI medical AG that work in the field of medical engineering.
Systems biology
Research Fields
For doctoral theses it is intended that they have two parts. In the first part, general methodological questions which are motivated from the collaboration projects should be answered and in the second part the new methods should be applied to the specific biological projects.
[1] A. Raue, M. Schilling, J. Bachmann, A. Matteson, M. Schelker, D. Kaschek, S. Hug, C. Kreutz, B.D. Harms, F.J. Theis, U. Klingmuller, J. Timmer. Lessons learned from quantitative dynamical modeling in systems biology. PLoS ONE 8, 2013, e74335
[2] V. Becker, M. Schilling, J. Bachmann, U. Baumann, A. Raue, T. Maiwald, J. Timmer, U. Klingmüller. Covering a broad dynamic range: Information processing at the erythropoietin receptor. Science 328, 2010, 1404–1408