Creating the Future

Brain, Computer, AI — Soon Hard to Distinguish?

Science Evening 2025

On July 10, 2025, the 10th Hector Fellow Academy Science Evening entitled "Brain, Computer, AI — Soon Hard to Distin­guish?" will take place in Düssel­dorf and via livestream in cooper­a­tion with the Heinrich-Heine-Univer­sität Düssel­dorf and  the Forschungszen­trum Jülich.

The scien­tific organizer is Katrin Amunts, Profes­sor for Brain Research and direc­tor of the C. and O. Vogt Insti­tute of Brain Research, Heinrich-Heine-Univer­sität Düssel­dorf , and direc­tor of the Insti­tute of Neuro­science and Medicine at the Forschungszen­trum Jülich.



Prof. Dr. Otmar D. Wiestler, Presi­dent of the Helmholtz Association


Talk 1: The Brain as a Model for Artifi­cial Intel­li­gence — Or Vice Versa?

Prof. Dr. Rainer Goebel, Maastricht Univer­sity, Faculty of Psychol­ogy and Neuro­science, Depart­ment of Cogni­tive Neuroscience


Talk 2: How super­com­put­ers make artifi­cial intelligence

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Lippert, Forschungszen­trum Jülich, Insti­tute for Advanced Simula­tion and Jülich Super­com­put­ing Centre


Vortrag 3: Things about brain struc­ture that we still want to learn

Prof. Dr. Katrin Amunts, Heinrich-Heine-Univer­sität Düssel­dorf, C. and O. Vogt Insti­tute of Brain Research, and Forschungszen­trum Jülich, Insti­tute of Neuro­science and Medicine




Closing Words

Dr.-Ing. Judith Elsner, Manag­ing Direc­tor of the Hector Fellow Academy

The event contin­ues the series of science evenings held by the Hector Fellow Academy through­out Germany. Here, renowned experts present current research topics in a gener­ally under­stand­able way and discuss visions for the future. The Hector Fellow Academy is a young academy of science that promotes cutting-edge inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research in the STEM fields.

In cooper­a­tion with

Universität Hamburg Logo


July 10, 2024, 6 pm


Kunst­samm­lung NRW, K20
Grabbe­platz 5, 40213 Düsseldorf


The event will be broad­casted via livestream.

Scien­tific Host

Prof. Dr.

Katrin Amunts

Heinrich-Heine-Univer­sität Düssel­dorf / Forschungszen­trum Jülich


Wolfram Eilen­berger

Writer, Philoso­pher, Academic