Doctor­ate at the HFA


Various ways

There are various ways to apply for a fully funded doctoral position.

Ambitious young scien­tists have the oppor­tu­nity to do their doctor­ate with self-devel­oped research project in the working group of a Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee. For this, an innov­a­tive, self-devel­oped research topic has to be submit­ted, which the young scien­tist works on within the frame­work of the three-year doctoral phase at the insti­tute of the super­vis­ing Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee. It must be included in the appli­ca­tion, which Hector Fellow/Hector RCD Awardee quali­fies as a super­vi­sor for your research idea.

Moreover, outstand­ing Master's gradu­ates can also apply for adver­tised doctoral positions of a Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee. By becom­ing a member of the Hector Fellow Academy, the young scien­tists become part of an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network of top Researchers.

If you are already working in the research group of a Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee, you also have the possi­bil­ity to become part of the Hector Fellow Academy and benefit from its offers, provided you are not employed for more than 6 months. You can apply through the already metioned channels.

Do you have any further questions about the require­ments, your appli­ca­tion or the appli­ca­tion process? Find out more in our FAQ section.


Dr. Sylvia Lange

Young Researcher Program Manager

Phone: +49 (0)721 608 47879


How to Apply

For Doctoral Positions with a Hector Fellow

o you want to do a doctor­ate in medicine, psychol­ogy or one of the STEM fields? Are you looking for an inter­est­ing project or do have your own research idea? Then apply to the Hector Fellow Academy!



To apply for a position as a doctoral student at the Hector Fellow Academy, the follow­ing require­ments must be met:

Excel­lent acade­mic performance
Very good master’s degree in the relevant field
Very good knowl­edge of English
Willing­ness to move to the univer­sity location of the super­vis­ing Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee, if necessary

Upon receipt of the appli­ca­tion, the submit­ted documents will be reviewed by the Hector Fellow Academy office and forwarded to the Hector Fellow. The assess­ment is based on the acade­mic quali­fi­ca­tions, the maturity of the project outline and the consis­tency of the topic with the research focus of the Hector Fellow or the fit to the require­ments of the adver­tised position.

With the most promis­ing candi­dates, the Hector Fellows or Hector RCD Awardees coordi­nate inter­views. The final­ists will be invited to a personal intro­duc­tion in June. Subse­quently, the final funding decisions are made.

The selected candi­dates are invited to partic­i­pate in the Hector Fellow Academy Sympo­sium. The next sympo­sium will take place in Hamburg on July 10–11, 2024.

Your own research idea

You have an own research idea? You want to apply?

Please submit the follow­ing documents via our HFA appli­ca­tion portal during the appli­ca­tion phase from January 15th — March 31 2025:


  • Project outline of the doctoral project (object of inves­ti­ga­tion, relation to the field of research of the Hector Fellow, added value of super­vi­sion by Hector Fellow)
  • Abstract of the doctoral project
  • Sched­ule for the doctoral project
  • Names and contact infor­ma­tion of two referees
  • Curricu­lum vitae
  • Summary of the master thesis
  • Copy of diplo­mas and grades
  • Appli­ca­tion photo

Adver­tised doctoral positions

You would like to apply for an adver­tised doctoral position of one of the Hector Fellows? Please check out the open doctoral positions.

Please submit the follow­ing documents via the HFA appli­ca­tion portal during the appli­ca­tion phase (January 15th — March 31 2025):

  • Letter of appli­ca­tion (quali­fi­ca­tion for the adver­tised position, motiva­tion for the doctoral project)
  • Names and contact infor­ma­tion of two referees
  • Curricu­lum vitae
  • Summary of the master thesis
  • Copy of diplo­mas and grades
  • Appli­ca­tion photo



Appli­ca­tion as Associ­ated Young Researcher

You are already working in the working group of a Hector Fellow and would like to become part of the Hector Fellow Academy? With your success­ful appli­ca­tion, you will benefit from the network of doctoral students and top researchers and partic­i­pate in train­ing courses, symposia and network­ing events.

Apply all year round via the HFA Appli­ca­tion Portal.


  • Abstract of the research project
  • Letter of motivation
  • Letter of recom­men­da­tion of the Hector Fellow
  • Curricu­lum vitae
  • Copy of diplo­mas and grades