Hector Fellow since 2022
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chris­t­ian Haass

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chris­t­ian Haass

Biomed­ical Center (BMC), Metabolic Biochem­istry, Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität München & German Center for Neurode­gen­er­a­tive Diseases (DZNE) — Munich

Chris­t­ian Haass is a Profes­sor for Metabolic Biochem­istry at the Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität München und Speaker of  the German Center for Neurode­gen­er­a­tive Diseases (DZNE) — Munich.

Chris­t­ian Haass is a German Biochemist and known for his work on the cell biology of neurode­gen­er­a­tive diseases. Together with an inter­dizipli­nary team he uncov­ered the molec­u­lar mecha­nisms of Alzheimer's disease and identi­fied target molecules for thera­peu­tic treatment.

Chris­t­ian Haass is the speaker of the Exzel­len­z­clus­ter Systems Neurol­ogy. He is a member of the Leopold­ina, the European Molec­u­lar Biology Organ­i­sa­tion (EMBO) and the Bavar­ian Academy of Sciences.  He received a number of national and inter­na­tional awards, among them the Ernst Jung Award for Medicine, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Award of the Deutsche Forschungs­ge­mein­schaft, the Brain Prize, the Potamkin Award of the Ameri­can Academy for Neurol­ogy. Since 2018 he belongs to the most highly cited scien­tists in the world.

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Logo
Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Chris­t­ian Haas is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.


The Fight against Alzheimer´s

Insights into Chris­t­ian Haass´ Research

Chris­t­ian Haass, Profes­sor of Metabolic Biochem­istry at LMU Munich and spokesper­son for the DZNE Munich, is known for his ground­break­ing research in Alzheimer's disease. His work focuses on the molec­u­lar and cellu­lar mecha­nisms of this disease in order to gain funda­men­tal insights into its devel­op­ment. Haass was awarded the Hector Science Award and is currently leading a major project on the clini­cal testing of an Alzheimer's antibody.

Forschungsfeld Medizin

— Medicine


Research fields

Systems Neurol­ogy
Alzheimer's Disease
Molec­u­lar cell biology