The application period for funded doctoral positions has been extended until April 15
In the current application phase, doctoral positions are advertised in the groups of Hector Fellows Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius (Biology, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research) and Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer (Biology, University of Konstanz).
Additionally, doctoral positions are advertised in the groups of four Hector Research Career Development Awardees: Dr. Ana Rita Brochado (Biology/Medicine, University of Würzburg), Dr. Dr. Leif Ludwig (Biology/Medicine, Berlin Institute of Health), Jun. Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Nowak-Król (Chemistry, University of Würzburg) and Dr. Tessa Quax (Biology, University of Freiburg).
There is also the possibility to apply with own research idea for both aforementioned Hector Fellows as well as the Hector Research Career Development Awardees Dr. Dr. Leif Ludwig and Jun.-Prof. Agnieszka Nowak-Król.
You can find more information about doctoral studies at the Hector Fellow Academy on our website.
We are looking forward to many interested candidates!