Hector Fellow since 2010
Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold

Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold

Insti­tute of Electro­mag­netic Fields, ETH Zurich

Jürg Leuthold is Head of the Insti­tute of Electro­mag­netic Fields at the Swiss Federal Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (ETH) in Zurich.

The physi­cist is working on new concepts and methods of optical signal process­ing at highest data trans­mis­sion rates. His research is aimed, among other things, at further increas­ing the trans­mis­sion rate of digital infor­ma­tion, reduc­ing energy consump­tion and minia­tur­iz­ing the compo­nents used. For example, his group is known for the small­est and fastest switches and detec­tors in the field of optical and mobile communications.

Profes­sor Leuthold’s work has been awarded an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), the State Research Award of Baden-Württem­berg and the Doron Prize. He is a fellow of the Insti­tute of Electri­cal and Electron­ics Engineers, fellow of the Optical Society, member of the Swiss Academy of Engineer­ing Sciences, corre­spond­ing member of the Heidel­berg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties and was a member of the Board of Direc­tors of the Optical Society of America until 2018.

ETH Zürich Logo
Doctor­ate Vacant from 2024

Jürgen Leuthold will be avail­able to super­vise doctoral projects start­ing in 2024.

Project Descrip­tion tba.


Photon­ics at the service of medicine

Devel­op­ment of a new eye detector

In the Hector Fellow Academy, Jürg Leuthold is conduct­ing research on an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary project entitled “RetinaSen­sor” together with Hector Fellow Eberhard Zrenner. The aim of the project is to develop a new gener­a­tion of retinal implants to improve the vision of visually impaired people. The bridg­ing between the disci­plines of physics, electri­cal engineer­ing and medicine is unique.

Forschungsfeld Physik

— Physics

Forschungsfeld Ingenieurwesen

— Engineer­ing

Electri­cal and Optical Fields / Nanotechnology

Research Fields

High-speed optical commu­ni­ca­tions and signal processing
Integrated optics (Silicon Photon­ics, InP Photon­ics, Photonic crystals)
Nonlin­ear optics
Model­ing of optical networks and semicon­duc­tor devices
Microwave photon­ics