Networking and interdisciplinary knowledge transfer
Alumni – Associated YR Projects
© Shu-Jen Wang

Novel appli­ca­tions with organic thermo­elec­tric modules

Dr. Shu-Jen Wang – Hector Fellow Karl Leo

This project aims at using modula­tion doped organic thermo­elec­tric modules for energy harvest­ing in niche areas where module flexi­bil­ity is key. We will develop novel device archi­tec­tures based on modula­tion doped organic thermo­electrics to enable innov­a­tive applications.

Doping is a key technol­ogy in the semicon­duc­tor indus­try as this method enables the intro­duc­tion of free charge carri­ers in the semicon­duc­tor systems with defined carrier types. Modula­tion doping circum­vents the ionized dopant impurity that affects the carrier trans­port, which allows the carrier concen­tra­tion and mobil­ity to be indepen­dently maximized. As a result, this method is attrac­tive for thermo­elec­tric devices as the conduc­tiv­ity can be maximized without compro­mis­ing the thermo­elec­tric parame­ters and hence maximiz­ing the thermo­elec­tric figure of merit. While modula­tion doping is a widely used technique in inorganic semicon­duc­tors for high perfor­mance inorganic electronic appli­ca­tions, this method has not been well studied and exploited in organic semiconductors.

Here, we will focus on devel­op­ing novel device proto­types using high perfor­mance modula­tion doped organic thermo­electrics for innov­a­tive appli­ca­tions. More specif­i­cally, we would like to develop self-powered sensor concepts for real time monitor­ing of environ­men­tal or health condi­tions as well as improv­ing the energy efficiency of displays or solar cell modules using the thermo­elec­tric modules.

Neuartige Anwendungen mit organischen thermoelektrischen Modulen

Shu-Jen Wang

Techni­cal Univer­sity Dresden

Super­vised by

Prof. Dr.

Karl Leo


Hector Fellow since 2013Disziplinen Karl Leo