Career of scientists
Hector RCD Award
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Career Devel­op­ment

The period between postdoc and profes­sor­ship is crucial for the career of scien­tists. For this reason, the Hector Fellow Academy launched the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award in 2020 as a program to support the career devel­op­ment of scien­tists at this stage of their careers.

Through the award, outstand­ing scien­tists will not only be supported within the frame­work of their submit­ted research project, but will also be able to draw on a valuable network as part of the scien­tific commu­nity in the Hector Fellow Academy. In addition, they gain visibil­ity for their research and support in recruit­ing young scientists.

— Hector RCD Award

— Appli­ca­tion



Dr. Sylvia Lange

Young Researcher Program Manager

Phone: +49 (0)721 608 45792


Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award

Objec­tives and Scope of the Funding

Since 2020, the Hector Fellow Academy offers the oppor­tu­nity to apply for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award (Hector RCD Award). W1 assis­tant profes­sors (with or without Tenure Track) and junior research group leaders in similar positions in natural or engineer­ing sciences, medicine or psychol­ogy, who work at German univer­si­ties or research insti­tu­tions are encour­aged in further strength­en­ing their indepen­dent research.

The Award is endowed with 25,000 € and includes, among others, additional funding for one doctoral position. It is awarded annually to 3 scientists.

The Hector Fellow Academy is pursu­ing the follow­ing goals with the Hector RCD Award:

  • Active promo­tion of researchers on their way to a professorship
  • Expan­sion of the scien­tific life within the HFA
  • Build­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties for cooper­a­tion between Hector Fellows and the Awardees

The researchers honored with the Award will be accepted for five years as members of the network of top scien­tists of the Hector Fellow Academy, which is composed of Hector Science Award winners and excel­lent young researchers. This member­ship entitles the Award winners to submit appli­ca­tions for further funding formats, e.g. for the organi­za­tion of workshops/conferences or the presen­ta­tion of a Speak­ers Award.

Hector Research Career Develo­p­ment Award