Hector RCD Award
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Am I still eligible if I do not hold a W1 assistant professorship nor a junior research group leader position at the moment?
One of the requirements for the application is that you are either a W1 assistant professor (with or without Tenure Track) or a junior research group leader in the natural or engineering sciences, medicine or psychology. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions.
Please find more information here.
I know that you must have a junior research group like Emmy-Noether Programme (DFG), ERC Starting Grant (EU), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) junior research group, Helmholtz Nachwuchsgruppe (HGF), Max-Planck Research Group (MPG) or Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (AvH). Can I still apply if I am affiliated with a different program?
I have already received the formal acceptance letter and will start my own research group in a few months from now. Would I be eligible to apply for the Hector RCD Award this year even if I have not formally started my position as a junior research group leader/W1 professor yet?
Yes, you are eligible to apply. Please make sure that your group will start by March 2025.
I am in the first year of my junior research group. Therefore, my contract is currently limited to the first funding period pending review and interim evaluation. At the moment, I don't have any written confirmation yet, but my institute and I are confident that I will receive funding for the second funding period as well. Is this a problem or can I/my institute explain this accordingly?
How do you define an “outstanding scientist”?
Do I already have to be employed at a German university or institution at the time of application?
Non-permanent employment at a German university or research institution is a prerequisite for the application. However, if you are still abroad but have already received the formal acceptance letter and will start your own research group in Germany by March 2025, you may also apply.
Can I re-apply this year or are reapplications excluded?
I have completed by doctorate on September 15, 2017. How do you calculate the 7‑year deadline?
To be eligible you must have completed your doctorate less than seven years prior to the application deadline, i.e. October 30, 2024. Therefore, you would not be eligible. However, exemptions may apply.
Which exemptions from the 7‑year deadline may apply?
Exemptions can be made for time spent e.g., in clinical training, military service or parental leaves (please note that different regulations apply to m/f/x applicants). Look here for further details.
I have children. Does this affect the 7‑year deadline?
Male applicants will be granted an extension by the documented time of leave taken until the call deadline for each child born before or after the PhD award.
Your Application
Where can I find any templates on the portal?
You have will access to the templates in the application portal as soon as you have successfully registered. The link to the portal is only valid during the official application period (September 1 – October 30). We only provide templates for the support letters by the institute and a template for the extension of the eligibility period.
What should I include in my CV? Is there a template?
Who should write the Letter of Support?
Does the page count of the dissertation project proposal also include the relevant literature references?
Is a budget plan also requested (in addition to a timetable and work program)?
Should I provide a detailed list of equipment and material resources needed for the research proposal? If so, where should this be mentioned?
Is it desirable or even advantageous if the doctoral candidate for the planned doctoral project can already be named?
In which language should I apply? German or English?
You can submit your application in German or in English.
Application Process
Is there an advantage if I submit the application before the deadline?
Applications must be submitted via the application portal within the application period. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
We highly encourage you to submit your documents once they are complete. There are no extensions if technical issues prevent you from submitting the application on time.