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Doctoral projects
© Maximilian Ammenwerth

Realiz­ing a Quantum Proces­sor based on Stron­tium Rydberg Atoms

Maxim­il­ian Ammen­werth – Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch

In this project, an innov­a­tive quantum gas micro­scope is devel­oped that makes use of optical tweez­ers to rearrange neutral stron­tium atoms into config­urable and defect-free patterns. This allows for rapid initial­iza­tion of the system and serves as a start­ing point for the analog simula­tion of quantum many-body systems and as a qubit regis­ter for digital quantum comput­ing. Exploit­ing long-range Rydberg inter­ac­tions enables the simula­tion of spin models and the imple­men­ta­tion of quantum logic gates.

Quantum gas micro­scopes have been success­fully used for detailed studies of complex quantum many-body systems. In this project, an innov­a­tive quantum gas micro­scope is devel­oped with a focus on fast measure­ment repeti­tion rates and appli­ca­tions in the field of analog quantum simula­tion and addition­ally digital quantum computing.

Optical tweez­ers are used to rearrange neutral stron­tium atoms into config­urable and defect-free arrange­ments within an optical lattice. The combi­na­tion of active re-sorting followed by laser cooling into the motional ground state facil­i­tates a fast initial­iza­tion of the system. This serves as a start­ing point for the subse­quent quantum simula­tion of many-body systems and as a qubit regis­ter with large system size.

The coupling of the trapped atoms to highly excited Rydberg states offers the oppor­tu­nity to realize long-range inter­ac­tions with variable strength and enables the analog quantum simula­tion of e.g. spin models. Further­more, the direct address­abil­ity of individ­ual atoms through a high-resolu­tion micro­scope objec­tive allows for the imple­men­ta­tion of gate opera­tions on individ­ual qubits. The selec­tive excita­tion of some qubits to Rydberg states enables the imple­men­ta­tion of quantum logic gates. This opens the possi­bil­ity to explore neutral atoms as a platform for quantum computing.

Realisierung eines Quantenprozessors auf der Basis von Strontium-Rydberg-Atomen

Optical tweez­ers (red) are used to rearrange neutral stron­tium atoms (green) onto the desired lattice sites. The selec­tive excita­tion of atoms into Rydberg states with long-range inter­ac­tions (light blue) enables the imple­men­ta­tion of quantum gates to gener­ate e.g. corre­lated quantum states (dark blue).

Maxim­il­ian Ammenwerth

Max Planck Insti­tute of Quantum Optics

Super­vised by

Prof. Dr.

Immanuel Bloch


Hector Fellow since 2012