Die Zukunft mitgestalten
Hector Science Award 2012


28. January 2013

Top-level research should be sustain­ably encouraged

Research award of the Hector Founda­tion II goes to profes­sors from Munich, Berlin and Tuebingen

HEIDELBERG/WEINHEIM. Although the profes­sors Immanuel Bloch (Munich), Günter M. Ziegler (Berlin) und Eberhart Zrenner (Tuebin­gen) do research in differ­ent fields, they definitely have something in common. They are outstand­ing scien­tists in their respec­tive research field and have a special commit­ment in teach­ing. For these reasons, they received the Hector Science Award and are part of the group of Hector Fellows since 2013.

Bloch, profes­sor of exper­i­men­tal physics at the Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sity Munich, is one of the leading scien­tists in the field of research on ultra cold quantum matter. Among other things he was success­ful in devel­op­ing artifi­cial model systems for real solids, which have an extremely high controllability.

Ziegler teaches and conducts research at the Freie Univer­si­taet Berlin. He deals with geomet­ric objects, which are also found in archi­tec­tural forms. By classi­fy­ing the object struc­tures their stabil­i­ties can be deduced.

Zrenner is the found­ing direc­tor of the research insti­tute of ophthal­mol­ogy at the univer­sity hospi­tal of Tuebin­gen. He leads a research group of biolo­gists, physi­cists, engineers and ophthal­mol­o­gists. Together, the scien­tists devel­oped a vision chip for the blind that can be used as a retinal implant. With this implant blinds were able to recog­nize objects and read words.

Hector Science Award 2012