Creat­ing the Future
Members of the HFA
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Wissenschaftliche Verantwortung mit den HFA-Symposien


At the heart of the Hector Fellow Academy are the Hector Fellows who have been admit­ted to the Academy by receiv­ing the Hector Science Award. Together with the follow­ing Academy members, they contribute signif­i­cantly to the success of the HFA.

The Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Awardees are a group of scien­tists working in the HFA disci­plines, who are — as recip­i­ents of the award — actively supported on their way towards a profes­sor­ship. Their perspec­tives expand the scien­tific exchange within the HFA.

The young scien­tists are super­vised by either a Hector Fellow or a Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Awardee within the frame­work of a doctoral project or an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary project. They receive finan­cial and non-mater­ial support from the Hector Fellow Academy and are enabled to develop in a variety of ways thanks to an individ­u­al­ized support program.

Associ­ated Fellows receive mater­ial funding for their research projects. They are also allowed to partic­i­pate in selected events and the contin­u­ing educa­tion program.

Alumni are former members of the Hector Fellow Academy who have completed their project but remain affil­i­ated with the Academy.


— Hector Fellows

— Hector RCD Awardees

— Young scien­tists

— Associa­ted Young Resear­chers

— Alumni