© Hector Fellow Academy
2. December 2021
Antje Boetius receives BBAW membership

Antje Boetius intro­duced as new member of the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

During the 16th Einstein Day of the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties (BBAW), the two vice presi­dents Julia Fischer and Ulrike Kuhlmann welcomed the seven new members of the Academy. In addition to Hector Fellow Antje Boetius, Chris­t­ian Drosten (Virol­ogy), Eva Geulen (German Studies), Volker Markl (Computer Science), Frank Noé (Physics and Machine Learn­ing), Dagmar Schäfer (Sinol­ogy), Matthias Warstat (Theater Studies) were inducted.

In addition to the welcom­ing of the new members, the event included a panel discus­sion on the question on the extent to which life can be standard­ized, controlled, narrated, and visual­ized. Further awardees of the BBAW were also honored.

The Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties is a learned society with a three-hundred-year-old tradi­tion of uniting outstand­ing schol­ars and scien­tists across national and disci­pli­nary bound­aries. 80 Nobel Prize winners have shaped its history.