© Hector Fellow Academy
31. March 2020
Appli­ca­tion Period extended until April 30

The appli­ca­tion period for doctoral position at the HFA has been extended until 30 April

In an effort to give even more young scien­tists the oppor­tu­nity to apply for one of the doctoral positions at the Hector Fellow Academy, the appli­ca­tion period has been extended until the end of April.

In the current appli­ca­tion phase, you can apply either with your own research idea in STEM, psychol­ogy or medicine or to the adver­tised position of the newest Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer in the field of quantum technology.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about doctoral studies at the Hector Fellow Academy on our website. Click here to get to the appli­ca­tion portal.

We are looking forward to many inter­ested candidates!