© Sebastian Engels Fotografie
12. July 2021
Brigitte Röder becomes Henri­ette Herz-Scout

Brigitte Röder was selected for the Humboldt Foundation's Henri­ette Herz Scout­ing Programme

In May 2021, Brigitte Röder, together with nine other female scien­tists, was appointed as a scout in the frame­work of the Henri­ette Herz Scout­ing Programme.

With this program, the Alexan­der von Humboldt Founda­tion seeks to recruit researchers as scouts who have an inter­na­tional network and would like to expand their team with excel­lent Humboldt research fellows.

In two program lines, both rising acade­mics, who have recently taken on a (junior) profes­sor­ship or group leader­ship, as well as already estab­lished and experi­enced scien­tists can apply. The scouts are given the oppor­tu­nity to recruit up to three talented, inter­na­tional young scien­tists for their own research group and the Humboldt Network on their own responsibility.

Henri­ette Herz, the program's namesake, was a writer and organizer of the first liter­ary salon in Berlin. The partic­i­pants, includ­ing the von Humboldt broth­ers, came from differ­ent backgrounds. Henri­ette Herz stands for emanci­pa­tion, network­ing and exchange as well as the promot­ing of talents.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Brigitte Röder!