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5. June 2020
Consul­ta­tion in the Bundestag with Antje Boetius

Antje Boetius spoke as an expert in the Bundestag during a public expert discussion

Science commu­ni­ca­tion is impor­tant in order to make the often abstract and seemingly distant research under­stand­able and compre­hen­si­ble to a wider audience, thus promot­ing a dialogue. However, science commu­ni­ca­tion currently has little insti­tu­tional basis despite its importance.

In a public expert discus­sion of the Commit­tee for Educa­tion, Research and Technol­ogy Assess­ment in the German Bundestag on the topic "Strength­en­ing science commu­ni­ca­tion" on 27 May 2020, Hector Fellow Antje Boetius, as an expert, empha­sised the need to secure insti­tu­tional science commu­ni­ca­tion outside of project funding.

Accord­ing to Boetius, science commu­ni­ca­tion is a "part of the perfor­mance of science" and must be promoted accord­ingly as an element of science trans­fer. The focus of funding must be partic­u­larly on sustain­abil­ity and the long term. The speech of Hector Fellow Antje Boetius starts in this video from minute 10:21.

In addition to promot­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research and network­ing among top researchers in STEM subjects, the Hector Fellow Academy also pursues the goal of mediat­ing research. In annual symposia, research topics and their socio-polit­i­cal impli­ca­tions are discussed with the public.

The next sympo­sium will take place on 8 July 2021 at the Radio-Bremen Eventstu­dio Weser­haus together with Hector Fellow Antje Boetius on the topic of "Expedi­tions into the Unknown". You can regis­ter for partic­i­pa­tion here.

The Hector Fellow Academy also publishes films on its YouTube channel that explain the research of the Hector Fellows. Soon, several films on Hector Fellow Antje Boetius' research will be published on the channel, especially one on the topic of science commu­ni­ca­tion. Find the YouTube channel here.