© Hector Fellow Academy
27. April 2023
Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch wins ZEISS Research Award

He is awarded for his funda­men­tal work in the field of quantum physics

Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch, one of the leading scien­tists in the field of quantum physics, has been awarded the "ZEISS Research Award" for his funda­men­tal work in the field of exper­i­men­tal quantum simula­tion using ultra­cold atoms.

Since 1990, ZEISS honors outstand­ing research achieve­ments in the fields of optics and photon­ics with the "ZEISS Research Award". This year, the award goes to Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch. Bloch, who holds a doctor­ate in physics, is scien­tific direc­tor at the Max Planck Insti­tute of Quantum Optics in Garch­ing and profes­sor of exper­i­men­tal physics at Ludwig Maxim­il­ian Univer­sity (LMU) in Munich, and is consid­ered a pioneer of quantum research. Since 2012 Immanuel Bloch has been a member of the Hector Fellow Academy. With highly complex optical exper­i­ments at the inter­face of quantum optics, quantum infor­ma­tion process­ing and solid-state physics, he has founded a new field of research: the study of artifi­cial quantum matter using ultra­cold atoms in artifi­cial crystals of light, so-called optical lattices.

"I am very pleased to receive this high award, which honours our scien­tific work in the field of quantum simula­tions of more than two decades. It is great to be part of such an excel­lent group of scien­tists who received this award before me," says Immanuel Bloch.

The award ceremony will take place on June 26 at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.