© Hector Fellow Academy
22. November 2023
Highly Cited Researchers 2023

Recog­ni­tion for HFA members Ralf Barten­schlager, Immanuel Bloch, Patrick Cramer, Christoph Klein and Dylan Nelson

Five members of the Hector Fellow Academy are on the list of the world's most influ­en­tial scien­tists. The list of “Highly Cited Researchers” has now been published by the infor­ma­tion service provider Clari­vate for 2023. The scien­tists on this list can demon­strate several highly cited publi­ca­tions. They are among the one percent of researchers who are most frequently cited inter­na­tion­ally and can there­fore be recog­nized as highly influ­en­tial in their field.

The follow­ing Hector Fellows and Hector RCD Awardees were recog­nized as "Highly Cited Researchers" 2023:

  • Ralf Barten­schlager (Cross Field)
  • Immanuel Bloch (Physics)
  • Patrick Cramer (Biology and Biochemistry)
  • Christoph Klein (Immunol­ogy)
  • Dylan Nelson (Space Science)

Around 7,000 people from 67 differ­ent countries and regions are repre­sented in this year's list of the world's most frequently cited researchers. Publi­ca­tions from the period 2012 to 2022 were taken into account for the current list. The survey covered around 20 research areas, includ­ing medicine, natural sciences, econom­ics and social sciences. The "Cross-Field" category also includes scien­tists who have published outstand­ing publi­ca­tions in several subject areas.