© Hector Fellow Academy
4. October 2021
Immanuel Bloch welcomes Angela Merkel at the MPI

The chancel­lor visits the Max Planck Insti­tute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Garch­ing on Septem­ber 15

Research centers and compa­nies have high expec­ta­tions in quantum comput­ers. Unlike classi­cal comput­ers, which calcu­late with zeros and ones, they are based on quantum bits that can assume any number of states. They can there­fore calcu­late at extremely high speeds and are very inter­est­ing for many simula­tions, for example of materi­als in the automo­tive industry.

One of the leading research insti­tutes in the field of quantum is the Max Planck Insti­tute of Quantum Optics in Garch­ing near Munich. The joint initia­tive of the Bavar­ian Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties, the Fraun­hofer-Gesellschaft, the Max Planck Society, the Ludwig-Maxim­il­ian-Univer­sität München and the Techni­cal Univer­sity of Munich was launched in March 2021. The state of Bavaria is funding the initia­tive with 300 million euros. The federal govern­ment of Germany also plans to fund quantum technolo­gies with two billion euros as part of its economic stimu­lus program to counter the Corona crisis.

Angela Merkel was visibly impressed by her visit to Munich: "It's so good to see the passion, the verve with which every­one is working here." The chancel­lor gave special praise to the institute's support for young researchers. This includes doctoral train­ing and an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary master's program with LMU and TUM, as well as a student labora­tory, the "Photon­lab," at MPQ.

Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch thanked all those involved who contributed to the success of the event.