© Matthias Tunger Photodesign
24. February 2025
Matthias H. Tschöp Elected Presi­dent of LMU Munich

Hector Science Award Winner to Take Office in October 2025

The Hector Fellow Academy warmly congrat­u­lates Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Matthias H. Tschöp on his election as the new Presi­dent of Ludwig Maxim­il­ian Univer­sity (LMU) Munich. Recently honored with the Hector Science Award, he will assume office in October 2025, succeed­ing Bernd Huber, who has led LMU since 2002.

The LMU Univer­sity Council officially elected Matthias H. Tschöp as Presi­dent on Febru­ary 20, 2025. Regard­ing his election, Matthias H. Tschöp stated: “I am delighted with the Univer­sity Council’s decision. As Presi­dent of LMU, I will work together with all my colleagues and invest all my energy to ensure a success­ful future for this unique, world-class univer­sity and all its students.”

Currently, Matthias H. Tschöp is CEO and Scien­tific Direc­tor of Helmholtz Munich and holds the Chair of the Depart­ment of Metabolic Diseases at TU Munich. Since 2024, he has also been a member of the Hector Fellow Academy.