19. August 2024
New Appli­ca­tion Period for the Hector RCD Award

Appli­ca­tions are possi­ble form Septem­ber 1 to October 30, 2024

The new appli­ca­tion phase for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award will start on Septem­ber 1, 2024. Ambitious scien­tists who aspire to a profes­sor­ship are invited to submit their appli­ca­tion for the award. The award is aimed at W1 assis­tant profes­sors (with and without Tenure Track) and junior research group leaders from the natural and engineer­ing sciences as well as medicine or psychol­ogy who work at univer­si­ties or research insti­tu­tions in Germany. They must already be able to demon­strate promis­ing scien­tific achieve­ments. The appli­ca­tion deadline is October 30, 2024.

The phase between postdoc and profes­sor­ship is crucial for the career of scien­tists. For this reason, the Hector Fellow Academy 2020 has estab­lished the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment (RCD) Award. The award supports the scien­tific careers of outstand­ing researchers from the natural and engineer­ing sciences, medicine and psychol­ogy on their way to a professorship.

Since its intro­duc­tion in 2020, 14 excel­lent scien­tists have already received the Hector RCD Award. The research areas of the awardees range from biology, physics, chemistry and engineer­ing to mathe­mat­ics, computer science, medicine and psychol­ogy. Their research projects demon­strate fresh ideas and innov­a­tive research approaches.

The winners of the Hector RCD Award receive one-time support for their research in the amount of 25,000 euros as well as funding for a doctoral position. They also become members of the Hector Fellow Academy for five years and can thus benefit from a highly attrac­tive research network.

Candi­dates with the follow­ing quali­fi­ca­tions can now apply for the Hector RCD Award:

  • W1 assis­tant profes­sors (with or without Tenure Track) or own junior research group leaders in natural or engineer­ing sciences, medicine or psychol­ogy (e.g. Emmy-Noether Programme (DFG) or similar)
  • Doctor­ate or PhD-equiv­a­lent less than seven years prior the appli­ca­tion with excep­tional results
  • Tempo­rary employ­ment at a German univer­sity, Fraun­hofer-Insti­tute, Helmholtz-Center, Leibniz-Insti­tute or Max Planck Institute
  • Formal or content-related right to super­vise a doctorate

For more infor­ma­tion on the award and all appli­ca­tion details, please click here.