10. August 2022
New appli­ca­tion period for the Hector RCD Award

APPLI­CA­TIONS for The Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment (RCD) Award Are possi­ble form Septem­ber 1 TO OCTOBER 30, 2022!

Since 2020, the Hector Fellow Academy offers the oppor­tu­nity to apply for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award (Hector RCD Award). W1 assis­tant profes­sors (with or without Tenure Track) and junior research group leaders in similar positions in natural or engineer­ing sciences, medicine or psychol­ogy, who work at German univer­si­ties or research insti­tu­tions are encour­aged in further strength­en­ing their indepen­dent research.

The Award is endowed with 25,000 € and includes, among others, additional funding for one doctoral position. It is awarded annually to 3 scien­tists. At least 50% of the awards each year are reserved for female scientists.

Discover here how to apply for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award!