© Hector Fellow Academy
16. July 2020
New HFA brochure for 2020

The latest edition of the brochure intro­duces new inter­est­ing people and projects within the HFA

In the latest edition of the brochure, you will find the profile of the new Hector Fellows Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer. Prof. Dr. Werns­dor­fer is Humboldt Profes­sor at the Insti­tute of Physics and the Insti­tute of Quantum Materi­als and Technolo­gies at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT). His area of exper­tise is exper­i­men­tal solid-state physics at the inter­face of chemistry and materi­als science. He is consid­ered one of the world's leading experts on nanomag­nets and their use in molec­u­lar quantum spintronics.

In addition, the current HFA brochure presents some new projects. For example, supported by Hector Fellow Christoph Klein, Daniel Peter­sheim is inves­ti­gat­ing the cause of malfunc­tions in individ­ual genes. This PhD project aims to use screen­ing methods to identify genetic inter­ac­tions that counter­act the effects of disease-causing mutations and thus pave the way towards the devel­op­ment of targeted therapies.

A new inter­dis­ci­pli­nary project impres­sively demon­strates the impor­tance of the exchange across differ­ent science disci­plines. The project "High-Resolu­tion Optoge­net­ics with Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)" inves­ti­gates the appli­ca­tion of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) in optogen­ics, thus linking the fields of biology and physics. The project focuses on new approaches that realize optoge­netic activa­tion and inhibi­tion of neurons with previ­ously unattain­able lateral resolu­tion. For this purpose, a new OLED technol­ogy that can imitate electri­cally switch­able differ­ent colours is used.

For the first time, the associate programme was included in the HFA brochure. Hector Fellows have the oppor­tu­nity to propose doctoral students or postdocs from their research group as associates. They can then partic­i­pate in further train­ing and network­ing events at the HFA. Currently, three associate projects are supported by Hector Fellows.

(only avail­able in German)